Our Story

We began our ministry's journey together in 2014 and continue to meet regularly to grow in our faith, hold each other accountable so that we can navigate this world, and develop a continued attitude of grace and forgiveness in our lives. We understand that everyone needs someone they can walk along side of to sharpen them in His word, to help with struggles that are thrown our way, and to make sure our focus is always on Him and His mission. 

During our time of fellowship with each other, God allowed us to create something we could share with others when called to do so. It was our prayer that by designing a challenge coin centered around His promises of hope, forgiveness, and protection, it would allow us to engage people who may not know Him, or simply needed to be reminded of Him. After many years and over 6000 coins handed out, we believe God wants us to share this with many more people than we can reach. So True North Creations was born and we continue to pray He will allow us to accomplish this mission through this ministry. 

It is our belief that as we navigate the world each day, we are often thrown off course by many different things. This, of course, is by design and meant to move us away from Him. Each of us here at True North Creations pray that these faith-based challenge coins and other products will aid in reminding those who carry them, share them, or wear them, of His promises, to stay on the course He provides, and to find our True North in Him. This is our challenge to you!


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